Friday, September 15, 2006

Civil War Participants

Wethersfield’s Civil War Participants

John Morris

John Morris was Chaplain of the 22nd Connecticut Volunteer Regiment from May 1, 1862 until September of 1863. He was at the battle of Antietam and when the Regiment was in danger of being overwhelmed, he picked up a rifle and ammunition to protect himself.

Morris courted his bride-to-be, Emily ‘Gussie’ Griswold, in a group of letters which are owned by the Wethersfield Historical society. They were married Dec 31, 1863.

Morris collaborated with W.A.Croffut in a book called The Military and Civil History of Connecticut during the Recent War, which was published in 1868. He went south to assis in reconstruction and died in 1873,

Robert H. Kellogg

(Robert Kellogg is on the right. His partner is unidentified. Photo is courtesy of the Museum of Connecticut History)

Robert Kellogg joined the army on August 11, 1862 and attained the rank of Sergeant Major in the 16th Connecticut Regiment. This is the highest non-commissioned rank attainable. He was captured with his unit and sent to Andersonville, Georgia. While there, he became a leader of the prisoners helping them to cope with that horrible existence. He wrote a book about his experience entitled Life and Death in Rebel Prisons. After the war he became involved in veterans concerns, including commemoration of their prison ordeal. Through his and others efforts, there is a monument on the State Capitol grounds with a young man known as Andersonville Boy. Kellogg is the model for that statue.

Sherman W. Adams

Sherman Adams enlisted on November 20, 1862 and became Asst. Pay Master of Gunboat Somerset that was on blockade duty off the coast of the panhandle of Florida. This duty was usually quietly routine, but served and important function in the Civil Was starving the Confederacy of supplies and armaments. Adams is more predominantly known as one of the authors of The History of Ancient Wethersfield. Adams had prepared the notes but illness prevented the completion of the work which was done by Henry Stiles. Adams was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives and a judge of the Hartford Police Court. He dies in 1898, seven years before the publishing of the history.

Gideon Welles

Although Gideon Welles was not a native of Wethersfield, he was descended for the Welles family that produced many men of note for Wethersfield and the rest of Connecticut. Welles was an editor of the Hartford Times and a prominent member of the Democratic Party. The republican party that elected Abraham Lincoln was a coalition party of Whigs, Free Soilers, Anti-Salvery Democrats and various splinter parties. After the election he was given Secretary of the Navy, which rewarded both Democrats and New England.

Welles was considered a weak member of the cabinet by those members who had similar feelings about Lincoln. He was loyal to Lincoln and helped about some of the political moves of Seward, Chase and the senate leadership.

Gifford Stedman, Jr.

Although Stedman was not at Wethersfield man, his remains are now here in Cedar Hill Cemetery. There is also a monument to him in Barry Square. He became colonel of the 11th Connecticut Regiment at Antietam after the death of Col. Humphrey.

He was killed at Petersburg in August of 1864 and brevetted Brigadier General as of that date. His major claim to fame is Fort Stedman at Petersburg which was named after him posthumously. Lee attacked the fort on March 25, 1865 in a final attempt to break the siege of Petersburg. It was a failure and the war in Virginia was over three weeks later.

Andrew Hull Foote

This is another man who was not of Wethersfield but was a descendant of Wethersfield patriarch Nathaniel Foote. Foote was from New Haven and was commander of the western Flotilla on the rivers. In February of 1862, he cooperated with Grant and largely captured Fort Henry on the Tennessee River with only naval personnel. In the successive battle to take Fort Donelson on the Cumberland, the Navy was less successful. Foote was wounded and in June of the next year he died of complications from that wound.

Names and Regiments

Name Unit

  1. Adams, Augustus CT 10th VR
  2. Adams, Ebenezer CT 22nd VR
  3. Adams, Edward CT 27th VR
  4. Adams, George CT 22nd VR
  5. Adams, Sherman Other Regiments
  6. Adams, Stoddard CT 22nd VR
  7. Aldrich, Edward CT 7th VR
  8. Archy, William CT 29th VR
  9. Baker, Charles L. ct-1st-light-battery-vr
  10. Baker, George CT 1st HAVR
  11. Baker, Samuel CT 16th VR
  12. Barnes, Charles CT 29th VR
  13. Barton, James CT 8th VR
  14. Bassey, Sidney CT 29th VR
  15. Belden, Samuel CT 1st VR
  16. Belden, Samuel H. CT 16th VR
  17. Bennett, Daniel CT 22nd VR
  18. Benson, Levi CT 25th VR
  19. Berrigan, Dennis CT 1st HAVR
  20. Bishop, Austin CT 12th VR
  21. Blake, Charles L. ct-1st-cav-vr
  22. Blake, Chester ct-1st-cav-vr
  23. Blinn, Edgar F. CT 1st HAVR
  24. Blinn, Unni P.? CT 22nd VR
  25. Bluff, Henry CT 7th VR
  26. Boner, Louis CT 20th VR
  27. Bowen, John P. CT 1st HAVR
  28. Bradley, Fernando CT 16th VR
  29. Brady, Patrick CT 1st HAVR
  30. Brannon, Thomas CT 12th VR
  31. Briggs, George CT 7th VR
  32. Buckley, George CT 22nd VR
  33. Bunce, Thomas F. CT 25th VR
  34. Burke, Daniel CT 10th VR
  35. Burke, Daniel CT 21st VR
  36. Burns, James CT 25th VR
  37. Cady, Henry W. CT 1st HAVR
  38. Callahan, Daniel CT 25th VR
  39. Campbell, George CT 5th VR
  40. Campbell, Robert CT 7th VR
  41. Carter, James W. CT 1st VR
  42. Carter, James W. CT 13th VR
  43. Carter, James W. CT 1st HAVR
  44. Cavanaugh, John CT 5th VR
  45. Chittenden, Thomas L. CT 14th VR
  46. Clancy, Phillip CT 14th VR
  47. Clapp, John B. CT 16th VR
  48. Clark, Henry CT 18th VR
  49. Clarkson, John CT 8th VR
  50. Clifford, John CT 8th VR
  51. Clontier, Charles CT 11th VR
  52. Colvin, George CT 7th VR
  53. Coogan, James CT 7th VR
  54. Cowles, Ralph CT 14th VR
  55. Crowe, Patrick CT 8th VR
  56. Cummings, Henry CT 2nd HAVR
  57. Dailey, Charles CT 3rd VR
  58. Damery, John CT 16th VR
  59. David, Eugene CT 5th VR
  60. Davis, Eugene CT 20th VR
  61. Davis, Henry CT 11th VR
  62. DeBlois, William B. CT 12th VR
  63. Delaney, Michael? CT 22nd VR
  64. Deming, David W. CT 16th VR
  65. Deming, Francis CT 3rd VR
  66. Deming, Francis CT 13th VR
  67. Deming, George S. CT 22nd VR
  68. Deming, Henry CT 25th VR
  69. Deming, Richard CT 29th VR
  70. Dickson, George T. CT 12th VR
  71. Dix, Edgar T. CT 22nd VR
  72. Doldrick, John Other Regiments
  73. Donnelly, James CT 14th VR
  74. Dow, Henry G. CT 22nd VR
  75. Dow, Newell CT 13th VR
  76. Dow, Newell CT 22nd VR
  77. Downes, George N. CT 22nd VR
  78. Dwight, Gilbert Other Regiments
  79. Finnern, Larry CT 6th VR
  80. Forbes, Ira E. CT 16th VR
  81. Francis, Charles Jr. CT 22nd VR
  82. Francis, Daniel CT 22nd VR
  83. Francis, Edgar CT 22nd VR
  84. Gains, Charles CT 22nd VR
  85. Galligher, George Other Regiments
  86. Garvie, Willaim A. CT 12th VR
  87. Garvie, William CT 1st VR
  88. Gladden, Azariah CT 13th VR
  89. Gladden, Azariah CT 1st HAVR
  90. Gladding, James H. ct-1st-light-battery-vr
  91. Gladding, Lafayette CT 22nd VR
  92. Goobell, Frederick CT 14th VR
  93. Gorman, Thomas CT 25th VR
  94. Griswold, John D. CT 22nd VR
  95. Griswold, Wait R. Other Regiments
  96. Griswold, Walt R. CT 22nd VR
  97. Hale, Nathan CT 16th VR
  98. Halliman, Michael CT 9th VR
  99. Hammer, Thomas CT 22nd VR
  100. Hammond, William F. ct-1st-cav-vr
  101. Haraker, Edward CT 22nd VR
  102. Harlow, Edward CT 13th VR
  103. Harlow, Edward CT 1st HAVR
  104. Harris, Charles CT 2nd HAVR
  105. Harris, Henry CT 11th VR
  106. Hart, Almon J. CT 21st VR
  107. Hastings, Lorin J.? CT 22nd VR
  108. Hayworth, Andrew CT 7th VR
  109. Heath, Hugh CT 25th VR
  110. Hills, Ralph H. CT 12th VR
  111. Hogan, Martin CT 13th VR
  112. Holden, John M CT 12th VR
  113. Hollister, John CT 10th VR
  114. Holt, John CT 25th VR
  115. Howard, John CT 7th VR
  116. Hubbard, Gideon W. CT 10th VR
  117. Hubbard, William CT 7th VR
  118. Hunt, James CT 1st HAVR
  119. Hunt, James CT 25th VR
  120. Jenks, Fred R. CT 10th VR
  121. Jenks, George CT 25th VR
  122. Jennings, Ira CT 1st HAVR
  123. Johnson, William CT 2nd HAVR
  124. Jones, Charles CT 5th VR
  125. Jones, Henry CT 14th VR
  126. Joy, William E. CT 2nd HAVR
  127. Joyner, Edward P. CT 22nd VR
  128. Joyner, Robert W. CT 20th VR
  129. Kearney, Francis CT 7th VR
  130. Kelley, Michael CT 8th VR
  131. Kelley, Michael CT 22nd VR
  132. Kellogg, Horace CT 1st HAVR
  133. Kellogg, Horace CT 22nd VR
  134. Kellogg, Robert H. CT 16th VR
  135. Kennedy, Charles CT 1st HAVR
  136. Kennedy, Thomas H. CT 1st VR
  137. Kergresser, John L. CT 8th VR
  138. Kerrigan, Michael CT 10th VR
  139. Kilby, Frank L.W.? CT 21st VR
  140. Kilby, Franklin E. CT 25th VR
  141. Kilby, Wyllys CT 25th VR
  142. Kneeland, Dwight CT 16th VR
  143. Lamphere, James CT 7th VR
  144. Lanrty, Thomas CT 1st HAVR
  145. Lewis, George CT 8th VR
  146. Lewis, Henry CT 1st HAVR
  147. Lightfoot, John Other Regiments
  148. Lindon, Henry CT 22nd VR
  149. Linemeyer, Frederick CT 8th VR
  150. Loftus, Thomas CT 12th VR
  151. Long, William CT 8th VR
  152. Lyon, Amenzo CT 22nd VR
  153. Lyon, John M. ct-1st-cav-vr
  154. Madison, James M. CT 29th VR
  155. Magill, Wm. A. CT 25th VR
  156. Maloy, James CT 10th VR
  157. Martin, John CT 22nd VR
  158. McAlldon, Patrick CT 9th VR
  159. McLaughlin, John Other Regiments
  160. McNamara, James CT 1st HAVR
  161. Merchant, Abram CT 29th VR
  162. Moor, James CT 8th VR
  163. Morgan, Gaylord CT 22nd VR
  164. Morgan, Guy S. CT 3rd VR
  165. Morgan, Guy S. CT 8th VR
  166. Morgan, Stephen Jr. CT 22nd VR
  167. Morris, John M. CT 8th VR
  168. Morton, Charles CT 10th VR
  169. Morton, William W. CT 21st VR
  170. Mulroney, Frederick CT 12th VR
  171. Murphy, Joseph CT 10th VR
  172. Oliver, Joshua CT 29th VR
  173. Osgood, John L. CT 22nd VR
  174. Palmer, William H. ct-1st-cav-vr
  175. Phelan, John CT 8th VR
  176. Phelps, John Other Regiments
  177. Power, William CT 5th VR
  178. Price, William CT 11th VR
  179. Quigley, William E. CT 22nd VR
  180. Recor, Alfred H. CT 1st HAVR
  181. Reed, James CT 14th VR
  182. Rhodes, Charles CT 13th VR
  183. Rhodes, Charles W. CT 3rd VR
  184. Rhodes, Henry CT 16th VR
  185. Richards, Frederick CT 10th VR
  186. Richards, Samuel CT 7th VR
  187. Riley, John CT 7th VR
  188. Rising, Henry CT 11th VR
  189. Rogers, James CT 14th VR
  190. Root, Caleb CT 7th VR
  191. Root, John E. CT 22nd VR
  192. Ryan, John CT 25th VR
  193. Ryan, Joseph CT 10th VR
  194. Sherman, William CT 7th VR
  195. Simpson, David CT 8th VR
  196. Simpson, David Other Regiments
  197. Skinner, Sylvester CT 12th VR
  198. Skinner, Sylvester CT 25th VR
  199. Smith, James CT 29th VR
  200. Smith, James CT 7th VR
  201. Smith, James A. CT 22nd VR
  202. Smith, John CT 8th VR
  203. Smith, Joseph CT 7th VR
  204. Smith, Peter CT 14th VR
  205. Snyder, Joel CT 8th VR
  206. Southergill, Francis CT 2nd HAVR
  207. Staub, John CT 14th VR
  208. Steele, Abel CT 12th VR
  209. Steele, Austin CT 14th VR
  210. Steele, Edward CT 1st HAVR
  211. Steele, John W. CT 14th VR
  212. Steele, John W. CT 2nd HAVR
  213. Steele, Oliver L. CT 25th VR
  214. Steele, Samuel CT 11th VR
  215. Steele, Sylvester W. CT 14th VR
  216. Stoddard, Hudson H. CT 5th VR
  217. Tracy, Michael CT 16th VR
  218. Trasher, Allen CT 11th VR
  219. Travers, William CT 2nd HAVR
  220. Truitt, Isaac B. CT 30th VR
  221. Tucker, Dixon CT 16th VR
  222. Tyler, John CT 11th VR
  223. Vischer, Louis CT 7th VR
  224. Wadsworth, Horace CT 1st VR
  225. Wadsworth, Horace CT 7th VR
  226. Wadsworth, Lucius CT 14th VR
  227. Wales, Francis CT 8th VR
  228. Warner, Abner S. CT 16th VR
  229. Webb, Henry W. CT 25th VR
  230. Welles, Henry C. ct-1st-cav-vr
  231. Wells, Charles B. CT 14th VR
  232. Wells, Edward CT 7th VR
  233. Whaples, Chas. H. CT 1st HAVR
  234. Whaples, George H. CT 11th VR
  235. Whaples, Henry N. CT 20th VR
  236. Whaples, Joseph CT 22nd VR
  237. White, Henry A. CT 16th VR
  238. Wiers William B.? CT 22nd VR
  239. Willard, Charles L. CT 22nd VR
  240. Willard, Eugene B. CT 22nd VR
  241. Williams, Charles CT 2nd VR
  242. Williams, Charles CT 13th VR
  243. Williams, Charles W. CT 5th VR
  244. Williams, Michael CT 8th VR
  245. Wilson, Walter CT 11th VR
  246. Wilxon, Alex, H. CT 1st HAVR
  247. Witt, Conrad CT 14th VR
  248. Woodhouse Edward G. CT 22nd VR
  249. Woodhouse, Herbert H. CT 22nd VR
  250. Wright, Anthony CT 22nd VR

Ct 22nd Volunteer Regiment

Connecticut 22nd Volunteer Regiment contained 41 Wethersfield men. This regiments was a 9 month regiment which spend most of its time in the defense of Washington, but also spent some time on the Virginia peninsula. Ironically, the troops were mustered out on 7/7/63, four days after Gettysburg. The degree of its involvement in the battle can be inferred from the fact that the regiment had no one killed in battle.

Name / Date Enlisted / Unit / Date Out / Reason Out / Comment

  1. Adams, Ebenezer 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/2/63
  2. Adams, George 8/21/62 Company B Sgt. M.O. 7/7/63
  3. Adams, Stoddard 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  4. Bennett, Daniel 8/29/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  5. Blinn, Unni P.? 8/27/62 Company E M.O. 7/7/63
  6. Buckley, George 8/25/62 Company E M.O. 7/7/63
  7. Delaney, Michael? 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  8. Deming, George S. 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  9. Dix, Edgar T. 8/28/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  10. Dow, Henry G. 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  11. Dow, Newell 8/30/62 Company D From 13th CV prom. Cpl 1/17/63 M.O. 7/7/63
  12. Downes, George N. 8/29/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  13. Francis, Charles Jr. 8/62 Company B Died 5/11/63, Suffolk, VA
  14. Francis, Daniel 8/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  15. Francis, Edgar 8/29/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  16. Gains, Charles 8/27/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  17. Gladding, Lafayette 8/30/62 Company B Wagner 7/7/63?
  18. Griswold, John D. 8/21/62 Company E M.O. 7/7/63
  19. Griswold, Walt R. 3/21/63 Asst. Surg. M.O. 7/7/63 cred. To Durham
  20. Hammer, Thomas 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  21. Haraker, Edward 8/24/62 Company E M.O. 7/7/63
  22. Hastings, Lorin J.? 8/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  23. Joyner, Edward P. 9/1/62 Company D M.O. 7/7/63
  24. Kelley, Michael Company I To Conn. 8 M.O. 7/7/63
  25. Kellogg, Horace 8/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63 to 1st Heavy Art. 1/5/69
  26. Lindon, Henry 2/22/62 Company E Disc. Disab. 1/16/63
  27. Lyon, Amenzo 8/27/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  28. Martin, John 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  29. Morgan, Gaylord 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  30. Morgan, Stephen Jr. 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  31. Osgood, John L. 8/30/62 Company D M.O. 7/7/63
  32. Quigley, William E. 9/9/62 Company E M.O. 7/7/63
  33. Root, John E. 8/27/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  34. Smith, James A. 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  35. Whaples, Joseph 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  36. Wiers William B.? 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  37. Willard, Charles L. 7/27/62 Company B Sgt. M.O. 7/7/63
  38. Willard, Eugene B. 8/28/62 Company B Died 4/21/63, Arlington, VA
  39. Wright, Anthony 8/30/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63
  40. Woodhouse Edward G. 8/25/62 Company B 2nd Lieut. 2/29/63 Must. 1st Sgt. M.O. 7/7/63
  41. Woodhouse, Herbert H. 8/25/62 Company B M.O. 7/7/63